Continued Growth & Ambition good for the Cedar Park Chamber
Continued Growth & Ambition good for the Cedar Park Chamber
We continue to be a community that is growing. When you drive through Cedar Park, there are very few corners in town that do not have some kind of construction, remodel or “dirt work” going on right now. This is a very exciting time for the community.
Most of this growth has been in the planning and development stages for many months now. The forward thinking leadership in Cedar Park continues to help foster this growth. From the City of Cedar Park, Leander Independent School District and the Chamber of Commerce, the leadership continues to push for the Cedar Park community to reach its potential.
The Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce has many different leadership roles. Our Board of Directors does a great job of setting which direction the Chamber Staff and Volunteers to go towards. Our volunteer groups, like the Ambassadors or one of our event task forces, help us accomplish these goals. In late 2013, the Chamber Board had a retreat where certain goals were outlined. Many of these goals will take several months, and in some cases, years to accomplish. Why are they so ambitious?
If you look at Cedar Park, everything is ambitions. Our growth is ambitious, but sustainable. Our outlook is ambitious, but attainable. Your Chamber needs to be ambitious and relevant to your business needs during this time.
Some of our goals include working on our own organizational structure and membership services. This is why our members have been asked to participate in surveys or focus groups. We want feedback from you. How are we doing? What would you like to see from your Chamber? What could we be doing better? What is the most important program we currently offer to you and your business?
All of the questions we are asking are important for your Chamber of Commerce to grow into the business organization you need. Please feel free to come up to any Chamber Staff member and let us know your thoughts on any event. Your feedback helps us plan and grow.
For more information on how you can be involved in the Chamber please contact the Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce at or visit
Tony Moline
President & CEO